Watch Out When Eating Out
photo credit: pf changs
Nutritional Information for some chicken entrees at PF Changs.
Cantonese Lemon Chicken has 98 grams of sugar - WHAT! That's almost 25 teaspoons of sugar. Think about that.
Almond Cashew Chicken has 5,120 milligrams of sodium. That's more than double the recommended daily amount!
Unfortunately, It's not just P.F. Changs, most restaurants are more concerned with serving good tasting food than with how the food fuels your body. It's tough to eat healthy when you eat out. When you eat out you are the customer. Don't be afraid to ask them to cook your food without as much sugar, with sauces on the side, cooked in broth instead of oil.... or you can use some of the delicious recipes we share in our f4 plan!